Creality CR-10 3D Printer Best Price $339.99 Coupon (US Ship)

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Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, $29.99

A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is the latest incarnation of the full featured single board computer favored by hobbyists. It’s project possibilities are endless: music streaming, surveillance system, … Use coupon cod RPi3EST at for a great price on a Raspberry Pi  3 Model B single board computer. Retail price $35 Features: built-in Bluetooth 4.1, BLE built-in 802.11n WiFi 10/100 Mbps Ethernet 1.2GHz…

Ciclop Desktop 3D Scanner $99.99 with Coupon

Use coupon code CICLOP to get the Ciclop Desktop 3D Laser Scanner for $99.99, discounted from $109.99, at Ciclop 3D Laser Scanner fseatures: open source hardware USB 2.0 interface scanning volume 5cm X 5cm to 20.3cm X 20.3 cm CMOS scanning element

Creality CR-10 3D Printer Coupon Code $359.99

Creality3D CR-10 3D Printer BLUE BLUE at (US ship) Creality3D CR-10 3D Printer COFFEE BLACK at (US ship) Apply coupon code GBCRUS to get this popular printer for only $368.99 $359.99 (US customers only, select the US-LA warehouse, select US PLUG, regularly $456.49, expires 11/30/2017). Key features: Aluminum extrusion construction LCD screen and rotary encoder for non-tethered operation SD card non-tethered operation or connect…